61 Apprentice Posts- Hindustan Paper Corporation Recruitment 2015:
Hindustan Paper Corporation Recruitment 2015 – 61 Apprentice Posts: Hindustan Paper Corporation (HPC) Limited has published a notification for the recruitment of 61 Engineering Graduate Apprentice, Technician (Diploma Holder, Vocational) Apprentice vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply in prescribed application format on or before 30-11-2015. Other details like age, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply are given below…
Hindustan Paper Corporation Vacancy Details:
Total No. of Posts: 61
Name of the Post:
1. Engineering Graduate Apprentice: 24 Posts
2. Technician (Diploma Holder) Apprentice: 28 Posts
3. Technician(Vocational) Apprentice: 09 Posts
Age Limit: Candidates age should not be less than 14 years and upper age limit is 30 years as on 01-01-2016. Age relaxation is applicable upto 5 years for SC/ ST, 3 years for OBC and 10 years for PwD candidates as per rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by a Statutory University for S.No- 1, Diploma in Engineering or Technology for S.No- 2 and Certificate in vocational course for S.No- 3.
Selection Process: Short listed candidates will be called for test/ interview.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application in the prescribed format along with attested copies of relevant certificates by post to the Deputy General Manager (HR&ES), HPC Ltd, Nagaon Paper Mill, P.O Kagajnagar, Dist-Morigaon, Assam, Pin-782413 on or before 30-11-2015.
Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 30-11-2015.
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