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What Does the Future of Automotive Tech Look Like?

Technological advances have transformed many industries in recent years, but none more so than the automotive industry. There are now all kinds of impressive gadgets and features that have forever changed driving by making it easier, safer and more fun than ever before. Here is a look at what the future of automotive technology will look like:


Automotive Tech

Gadgets and automobiles go hand in hand and we are now starting to see a huge amount of connectivity between your phone and the car through built-in screens that can be linked. This can bring a whole host of benefits, including media playing, sending messages and following directions all while driving. In the future, this is likely to involve augmented reality dashboards where you can learn about external objects in front of the driver. There are also active window displays where active glass is capable of full-colour imaging which could have many different uses, namely satellite navigation.

Cars Communicating with Each Other

There are now many cars being developed which are capable of communicating with one another as well as other objects around them. This could help by warning of imminent collisions and provide other key information relating to the roads. This can then be joined with vehicle automation so that the car can react appropriately if the operator fails to do so. There are now many autonomous features available in modern cars which can make driving safer and these can even be found in older models available at used car dealerships like FOW.

Self-Driving Cars

The most obvious advancements we will see will be the introduction of self-driving automobiles. These are constantly in the news with exciting new developments constantly being made, but it may be a while before these are introduced due to the various ethical and infrastructure concerns that these type of vehicle bring.

Energy-Storing Body Panels

Another exciting new innovation is energy-storing body panels which is key in a day and age where there is so much focus on eco-friendly driving. The key benefit that energy-storing body panels brings is that they weigh less than batteries and can be charged much quicker which will bring a host of benefits. This will work by the panels capturing energy from other technologies, such as regenerative braking or from direct charging overnight.

This is what the future of automotive tech will look like and as you can see there are many exciting developments on the horizon. We are already seeing many of these being incorporated into modern day automobiles in a gradual move towards self-driving cars in the future, but there are lots of other cool ways that technology can improve the driving experience while promoting safety and economy.

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