Results of few undergraduate exams by Saturday
Mangalore University will start releasing the results of its undergraduate periodic semester assessments conducted during November – from this weekend.
Based on A.M. Khan, Registrar (Assessment) of the university, the evaluation of answer scripts of undergraduate examinations of first, third and fifth sessions have been completed. “Results of some undergraduate classes will likely be declared by Saturday,” he told The Hindu. The outcomes of other classes would be announced later in series. He stated that as the introduction of the mobile use of the university was in the final stages, it would be impossible for students to see the latest results to be announced on the app. The app that was expected to be ready by January-end would take one more month for its launching.
Mr. Khan, who’s also the coordinator, advice, communication and technology job of the university, said that cellular telephone 1.0 would be the latest version of the program with some practical, layout and content improvements. The program would be convenient for pupils, teachers, research scholars, and journalists. Teachers and students would understand the program of tests, opening dates of terms, any new statements, dates of workshops, seminars and conferences throughout the use. Students may obtain them by keying in their roll numbers once the exam results are declared.
Mr. Khan said that after some days of starting the program, pupils would be permitted to submit on-line programs using the program and pay the fee. The program would be used to track the presence of students.
The institute had enough staff to take care of work associated with assessment, entry and others. It’d be enough classrooms as well as a computer lab. Therefore, the committee recommended to the university that the institute may be recognized as surrounding districts who are enrolled with Mangalore University for correspondence courses and an easing center for pupils of Bengaluru.