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Traveling in a Car with Children: How to Do It Safely?

It can be quite exhausting to travel long ways in a car, and this is especially true when kids are involved. Every parent will face issues when traveling long distances with children, and it’s not limited to just baby alone. Even pre-schoolers can end up being cranky and hyperactive when it comes to a trip – two combinations that do not work out well in a confined space like a car. In the process of accommodating such children, safety can be compromised to a great extent in any journey experience. However, it is possible to travel with children and still be safe.

Car Travel Mental Preparation

The car can be a very cramped place for kids and toddlers who are used to spending time in vast open expanses. Some people adopt the approach of keeping the children guessing about the destination. This approach may be taken with a view of keeping the children interested or occupied, but it can end up backfiring since boredom can set in during a long trip. Instead, it is a better idea to explain the destination, roadmap, and strategies. It can help them work towards the destination with fun and joy. They can also provide specific inputs that could make the car travel experience an enjoyable one.

Planning Pit Stops

trip backpack
Image credits: Photo by Nubia Navarro (nubikini) from Pexels

Even if you’ve prepared a trip with car travel accessories, it is always necessary to make some pit stops. They help in breaking any monotony that is certain to set in during a long journey. If the trip involves younger kids and toddlers, it is not recommended to drive for more than a couple of hours in one go. It would be unrealistic to expect any kid to sit in one place for several hours. Planning is essential even before the trip has begun, especially with finances. You could learn about how to use your car for title loans in case of emergencies, as it becomes difficult to stop while on the road without any external requirements.

Ensuring Adequate Space

Even if a journey is made in large personal transport, it is not going to be sufficient for the children’s imagination. They need to get out and play. Hence, issues should be taken so that the car does not get too cramped. This can be done by eliminating some of the unnecessary items. Most items, such as a car travel kit, need to be stored in the trunk where it is meant to be. The passenger space should be kept relatively free of clutter. Even if kids get adequate space at the back, it can help keep them occupied for longer stretches. Engage your children with interesting activities and games like Road Trip Word Searches, Road Trip Scavenger Hunt or even mobile casino.

Getting Enough Munchies

A way for most kids to alleviate boredom in any trip experience is by munching on snacks throughout the journey. It is quite possible for children to munch on a lot of food. Even though they would like sweets and crisp, it is recommended to carry healthy items like fresh fruits and dried fruits. At the same time, it is also not ideal to be having food throughout the journey. One solution can be to have a snack break at specific times, and it travels. This can help break the monotony of the trip. Snacks can be stored in a proper car seat travel bag.

car seat belt
Image credits: Photo by from Pexels


If there is more than a single toddler or child, it is recommended to plan the seating arrangement to avoid discomfort for all parties. Every child needs a proper portable car seat for travel, and the lack of these additional fitments can be a significant burden. It can also mean substantial loss and safety standards. The kids may also not be comfortable without proper seating – this is valid for any car journey experience. Before a trip begins, it’s crucial to make space for all adults and kids with adequate planning. The adults would often end up in the front while the kids should be at the back. There should be proper breaks in any car traveling to help stretch the legs.

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Author’s bio: Luke Capp is a Stay-at-home dad, awesome husband, blogger, and journalist. Luke discovered parenting when he was working 9-to-5 in corporate America (Seattle). He started a blog about it, quit his job, and never looked back.

Cover Image credits: Photo by Victoria Borodinova from Pexels

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