Modernization has led to several trends in the market. These trends keep coming and going while some trends make remarkable changes in the market. Today, technology has given various highly advanced tools, and products to the users in almost every field and they keep advancing and developing which is the reason why trends keep changing. One such trending product today is electronic cigarettes which are popularly known as vapers.
These vapers are compact and easily portable due to their size and design, and they emit vapor instead of smoke. They are designed in such a way that they can be easily refilled with the liquid of choice. Over a decade the use and popularity of vapers have increased to a great extent. The following are some of the reasons for the increasing popularity of vapers.
Looks cool:
These e-cigarettes are designed in many attractive shapes sizes and colors. Most of them are made in the shape of a pen or lighters. They look more attractive as compared to conventional cigarettes. This is mainly the reason why most teenagers are attracted to it. They consider it to be something cool to do with friends.
Emits vapor instead of smoke:
The liquid filling in the vapers may be herbal or may have nicotine in the form of different flavors. But they do not release smoke as the conventional cigarettes do. These-cigarettes emit a vapor which is not harmful to the environment.
Healthy replacement to cigarettes:
E-cigarettes are considered a healthy way to smoke as it releases vapor plus you have the option of smoking herbs or natural extracts instead of chemicals. Many users have come forward and said that vapers had made their journey towards quitting smoking easy and vapers are quite reliable.
Tastes better:
E-Cigarettes give you an option of a variety of liquids having various flavor options. These flavors comparatively taste much better than traditional cigarettes, and the smokers have multiple choices. These flavors are filled in pod vape, and these pods can be changed, refilled any time. Also, they leave a pleasing odor to the mouth, unlike the normal cigarettes.
Preferred by smoking beginners:
Often the teenagers or others who are little hesitant about smoking find too difficult to get along the taste as well as the deep breathes required for smoking. But e-cigarettes do not need any such procedure, and one can smoke without many efforts. By using vapers, one can even get the satisfaction of smoking even in small puffs which are ideally not possible in conventional cigarettes.
Vapers are easily portable as they are as small as pens and can be easily carried in pockets too. Apart from this the cartridges can be easily refilled or exchanged with the choice of flavored liquids. Also, vapors do not need much maintenance and are very easy to use.
Attractive and high-grade marketing by vape companies:
The vape companies tend to market and advertise the e-cigarettes in such a way that they look very trendy and cool. Apart from these marking of related products such as the huge variety of flavors attracts a lot of smokers especially teenagers or new smokers.
Apart from the above-mentioned reasons there may be several other reasons why the use of vapers is possibly increasing. This completely depends upon the choice and preferences of smokers. However, the marketing and advertising of vapers play a very important role the increased popularity and sale of e–-cigarettes. Some of the below tactics are used by the vape companies to increase their sales
The best alternative to cigarettes:
Even though we cannot deny the fact that there is no better alternative to cigarettes than the vapers today, but the market still has a few other products which can be an alternative to cigarettes, but the effective marketing standards of the e-cigarette manufacturers have hit the point, and people believe that vapers or e-cigarettes are the only best alternative to traditional cigarettes.
Helps to quit smoking:
There have been various articles and confessions of real users coming forward and stating that vapers have helped them to quit smoking. The e-cigarette manufacturers use this as one of their USP and advertises their products. However, this topic is still debated as not everyone can get away or quit smoking with vapers and there are chances that the person can get addicted to vapers too.
Irresistible flavors:
Along with the attractive design of the vapors, the manufacturers also advertise the huge variety of flavors among which some are irresistible by the smokers, and they want to try each at least once.
Stating it as eco-friendly:
It is true that the vape companies are making serious efforts to make their product as eco-friendly as possible so that it does not lead to pollution and affect the environment. The e-cigarettes do not emit smoke instead they emit a vapor which is not at all harmful to Mother Nature.
Safety standards:
Many e-cigarettes manufacturers state that vapers do not cause any harm to humans and are very safe to use but many medical experts and professionals deny it, and the topic is still debatable. But yes, if the smoker smokes only natural herbs instead of nicotine-containing liquid than the health issues can very low or minor once as compared to normal nicotine smokers.
In the near years, many people are opting towards e-cigarettes, and their use is increasing amongst the smokers. People love it and are always more attracted to vapers as compared to cigarettes. They have managed to change the smoking trend in the market, and the craze for this trend is just increasing day by day.
Wrapping up
Some attractive features of the vapers and the high marketing standards of the manufacturers of the e-cigarette companies have to lead to the increase in the use of vapers and it has been estimated to grow even more in the coming years. The vaping industry has set its mark in the market and has gained a lot of customers too.
Trudy is a Business Tech Analyst. He is very responsible towards his job. He loves to share his knowledge and experience with his friends and colleagues.
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