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Here’s How to Add a Luxe Touch to Heat Up Your Home as Winter Approaches

Winter will soon be here, and people are always looking for some spa-like and even elegant ways to pamper themselves while staying warm in the winter. In fact, there are now all sorts of innovative ways that can help people experience a more luxuriously warm winter at home by simply adding some special touches of heat. (heat is also a great way to kill bacteria so you can stay healthy and germ-free.)

Furthermore, adding luxury and comfort to your home can help you escape from the daily stressors of life and pressure from work and family. Consider the fact that some families are still juggling homeschooling their children and working from home. Or consider that some people are still facing challenges with traveling, so they find it difficult to ‘escape’ the daily grind and de-stress. But a little luxury and warmth may actually help provide an outlet of relief for some of this stress so that winter can be more fun and enjoyable.  

After all, how many people dread climbing out of bed every morning to step on a cold bathroom floor? Or, walking around their house with cold feet because the fuzzy house slippers just won’t do? Or, sliding into bed with cold sheets while you layer up to try to stay warm? Of course, everyone wants to stay warm, but simply turning on a floor heater or plugging up that old electric blanket might not be enough to deliver that true feeling of luxury that you want to experience in your home.

So, with this in mind, here are a few tips on how you can add a touch of luxury to your home without breaking the bank as winter approaches.

Install a heated towel rack

I mean, what will make you feel like you are at a spa more than climbing out of every bath or shower and wrapping yourself in warmth? A heated towel rack is the ultimate in creating a luxurious experience. And it can make you look forward to getting out of bed in the winter mornings, rather than dreading it. On top of the luxury, this bathroom technology provides, heated towel racks also kill tons of bacteria on our towels, promoting health and wellness all winter long. This accessory isn’t just a nice-to-have item; it can also be a key tool in helping you stay healthy during the winter months.  

Consumers need to understand that most heated towel rack technologies will simply add just the right touch of warmth, but the heat does not go as extreme as, say, the heat found in a laundry room dryer. But even this touch of warmth can give you a sense of comfort, and it will still properly dry out your towels to keep them healthy and hygienic.

Furthermore, those who can’t afford the luxury price of a heated towel rack can consider using a heated towel rail instead. Some experts consider being more of a necessity than just a luxury. This solution can still provide the same benefits as a heated towel rack but is more affordable.  

Use a pajama warming pouch. 

These pouches may seem like a gimmick, but they actually help you to stay warm and cozy. Many people throw on their pajamas after a long day to relax in their homes during the evening. But these same people are often much colder when they get home in the winter since they had to travel outside. And since pajamas are usually made from a lighter material, it’s easy to stay cold for much longer. What if you can step into pre-warmed pajamas? It’s an instant way to shake off the cold winter outside and help you begin a relaxing evening. Within minutes – or seconds – pre-warmed pajamas can banish the cold from your body and help you feel warm and comfortable. 

Add a smart duvet to your bed. 

smart duvet for winter
Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

These smart duvets go over your existing bedding and sync with your smartphone. They allow you to control the temperature in your bed at any time from any location. You can pre-warm your bed so that it is nice and toasty when you climb in, and you can adjust the settings so that it cools down after you have warmed up a bit. This feature maintains an optimal temperature to keep you warm and snug without making you sweat or overheat in your sleep. And the best feature is that the settings can be set for each side of the bed, ensuring that both partners in a relationship are equally comfortable no matter their unique temperature preferences. 

Install floor heated tiles. 

There is nothing worse than getting out of bed and stepping on a cold floor. It can instantly make the rest of your body feel cold. Heated floor tiles provide a great way to help maintain your home’s temperature across more surfaces – and this can keep you warm and comfortable even on the coldest winter days. 


With the cold impact of winter just around the corner, it’s time to think about how to elevate your home experience and optimize your well-being. These small luxury tips may even have a profound impact on your general happiness and health, and wellness as you de-stress. And, the best part of all, you can fully enjoy these enhancements without needing to leave the comfort of your own home. 

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