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Suryaputra Karn 10th November 2015 Full Written Episode

Suryaputra Karn 10th November 2015 Full Written Episode:

Arjun says he’ll penalize Duryodhan for his error. Yudistra says they’re like Hastinpur’s fingers and asks him to quit and fingers do not fight each other.

Duryodhan attempts to take Bhanumati. Him prevents and induces him to get the better of him and then take Bhanumati. Duryodhan asks 3 other rajas and him to fight him. Karn says Yudistra that he’d have answered him nicely, but has to shield his buddy Duryodhan and runs towards Duryodhan. Duryodhan and 4 of them asks Karn to return and fight, however they overpower Duryodhan readily and defeat him to pulp.

Supriya says he’s to fight her first and attempts to attack him with dagger, but she is readily overpowered by Karn and ties her to chariot.

Duryodhan on flooring readily throws and laugh on him. Madara naresh is going to kill Duryodhan with sword when Karn fires his arrow punctually and they all 4 autumn down and says success of retaliation is killing enemy.

Madara naresh subsequently induces Karn with his witty words consume his energy and to make him rage. Why couldn’t Madara naresh falls down and believes Karn’s energy is absorbed by him.

Karn says he’s guru Parashuram’s student’s guru and he has instructed him to utilize his rage as weapon he cannot particularly nag paash and forgo his arrows. Madara naresh won’t let him in peace and asks him to kill him, else he’ll take vengeance.

Karn takes Duryodhan with him and says his challenge is whole. Duryodhan grins seeing all this.

Karn frees Supriya and takes Duryodhan till chariot. Bhanumati runs and embraces. Duryodhan says no error was made by him by bringing him here.

Poornima is said before by Duryodhan, he has reach Ang pradesh for his union and to execute his promise. Karn grins. Vaishali is seen telling moon that her karn will return before dawn and waiting for Karn.

Precap: Karn embraces Vaishali telling her belief made him execute his promise and return punctually and reaches Ang pradesh. Supriya coming is seen by Vaishali.