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Everything That You Need To Know About The GRE

If you have never heard of the GRE before then you should know that it is a test that many graduate schools ask their prospective students to take before admitting them. This is not an easy test and it is important that if you are going to take it that you understand what it consists of. This is why we have put together a guide to everything that you need to know about the GRE. Make sure to keep reading if you are thinking about taking this test and want to know more.

What Does Test Cover?

There are three main sections to the GRE, including analytical writing, verbal reasoning and quantitative questions. In the analytical writing section, students will be asked to write two essays, one an issue essay and the other covering an argument. For the verbal reasoning section, students will need to show off their comprehension and sentence structure skills. On top of this, the quantitative section will cover basic maths like geometry, data analysis and algebra.

How Long Does It Take?

gre test time limit

The GRE is divided into three sections and so students are given a set amount of time to complete each section. Both the analytical writing section and the verbal reasoning section will take 60 minutes and the quantitative section will take 1 hour and 10 minutes. There will be breaks between each section to give students time to adjust.

How Do You Prepare?

This test is quite expensive, and it can make a difference to your college application, so it is important that you prepare for it carefully. You will need to start studying early enough to cover all of the topics to ensure that you are ready for your big day. If you need some extra help with the test, you can use a study guide which comes with some great resources. You’ll find more information about the guides and coures that are available for the GRE here: Best GRE Test Prep Course for 2018-2019 + Practice Tests.

How Often Should You Take It?

The score that you get on your GRE is going to be valid for five years, so you can pass your test and then take some time out if you want to. The good news is that if you don’t get a score that you would like, you can take the test up to 5 times within 12 month period. It is important that you know that if you take it a few times within this 12 month period, the grad school might actually take an average of your scores and so your highest one won’t be your final grade. If you want to take the test again, you will need to wait 21 days, but it will cost you $195 every time you take it.

Now that you know everything that you need to know about the GRE, you should be able to book your test and start applying for your dream graduate school.

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