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The world is going towards minimalism, so is the fashion — a talk

Minimalism is a movement that extends to various aspects of life, from home décor to lifestyle to fashionThe new generation is becoming more socially aware of its impact on the planet and actively searching for ways to make this place as inhabitable as possible. Fashion is an integral part of our lives. How we dress and choose to present ourselves to the world, determine how the world perceives us. Our definition of style is unique to each of us. Minimal fashion has been all the rage lately owing to its aesthetic as well as its modernistic approach towards invoking global responsibility amongst the masses. Minimal fashion goes against everything disposable, convenient, norm restricting, and objective austerity. It embraces simplicity, sustainability, and efficiency. Fortunately enough, the world is fast, making a shift towards minimalism owing to a multitude of reasons. 

Let us shed light on a few core ones.  

Photo by Ogo from Pexels

Here are seven reasons why the world is heading towards minimalism.

1.Global Financial Turmoil

Owing to the recent trends in the global financial market, more people are now living on a budget. Rising unemployment, decreasing stock prices, and stagnant wages have forced many families to reassess their spending. Everything is much more expensive than it used to be, and it only plans to tower to greater heights. Unfortunately, prices are soaring through the roof, and managing expenses is becoming a bigger challenge by the day. 

However, this worldwide monetary turmoil has enabled us millennial as consumers to identify what is a necessity and what is not. Gone are the days of excesses when you had the liberty to take home multiple options. Now our budgets only allow us to grab essentials and move forward. Minimalism makes more economic sense. 

2. Environmental Responsibility

The recent wave of increasing ecological concern has motivated people to be more mindful of how they live. Your impact on the environment is crucial. Less consumption ensures less use of the earth’s natural resources. If you reduce your impact on the planet by indulging a little less, you could be contributing to a much more significant change. For this reason, people are now shifting to leading a minimalist lifestyle in an attempt to protect our environment. 

3. Personal Debt

Rising expenses are leading to increasing debt. People have had the attitude that they can buy whatever they want to lead to high personal debt within the youth population, especially. The secret to living debt-free lies in managing your expenses effectively. A significant chunk of your earnings finds their way in-store receipts, largely in things we will not even wear past a season. 

Many people are now opting to find a way out of this vicious cycle by buying less and saving more. If you wish to reduce your debt burden, start investing in classic pieces such as a real women’s leather jacket instead of spending your savings on fast fashion pieces like plastic boots. 

4. Social Awareness

Global citizenship education was a foreign concept to many. However, people are now starting to become more socially aware and making efforts to make their contribution as global citizens to eradicate prominent issues, including malnutrition, poverty, injustice, and more. 

Increased awareness about social disparity is urging the masses to use their finances wisely to serve a greater purpose of making a difference on a global scale. More people are now actively donating to various charities and foundations that are working to feed the poor, provide safe drinking water, improving healthcare, voicing the concerns of the less fortunate, and helping improve education delivery systems. 

5. Modern Aesthetic

The current age embraces minimalism as an understated art form that believes in less is more. Minimalist art focuses on fundamentals. It portrays a simple painting that stresses the basics instead of getting lost in intricacies. Modern design incorporates heavy minimalist themes that are all the rage at present. 

Additionally, they never cease to dazzle. Owing to their limited palette, their canvas ends up looking more cohesive and easy to curate. The fabrics mesh beautifully together as do the cuts. The chances of you making a minimalist fashion mistake are next to zero. For this reason, more people are appreciating the simplicity and humbleness of minimalist art and making sure to use it well by incorporating it in their wardrobes as well. 

6. Desirable Benefits

Minimalism embraces simplicity. It presents an option to live your life with reduced stress and distraction, along with more freedom and time. We live in a world where we compete within our social circle, which can be exhausting. It is exhausting, hectic, and frankly, very toxic in the end. 

Your life should not be a competition, but in fact, an opportunity for you to learn as you progress. You need to catch a break and take a breather. Take in what you have instead of hustling to achieve something that exceeds you. Yes, ambition is great, but everything must come at its own pace. Minimalism gives you the option to take a breather. It is time and cost-effective, as well. 

You do not need the latest designs off the runway that you cannot afford. You need durable pieces that ensure longevity and good use. Opt for timeless elegance in contrast to short-lived trendy items. Treat yourself to time and freedom by opting to live by minimalism.

7. Evolved Perception

Consumerism continues to thrive. However, a growing majority now realizes that there is more to life than material belongings. Advertisers and companies work in conjunction to convince us that we need to spend our money on unnecessary commodities. Despite your better judgment, more often than not, you find yourself swiping your card and plunging yourself into deeper debt wells. 

Material belongings give us temporary satisfaction, but it leads to resentment later as we struggle to make ends meet every day. People are now growing more thoughtful about what is more important. Instead of splurging on arbitrary possessions, they are choosing to invest their money and energy in better things such as social causes, relationships, etc. This evolved perception is contributing to a healthier space where people are driven to work by the right motivating factors. 

  • Parting Thoughts

If you wish to change the world, you should start with yourself. One of the essential aspects of minimalism is realizing your impact on the environment. From the air that you breathe to the clothes you wear, you are using up the earth’s resources and not doing anything to return the favor. 

In an effort to become more responsible citizens, we should try to incorporate some changes in to our lives so we can make this planet livable for our generations that will follow. If resource consumption continues at the same rate, as it is today, rest assured, the future looks very bleak. 

It is never too late to start. Do not think about how meaningless your impact may be in the face of adversity. Drops collect to make a river. Make the shift to minimalism. Find yourself in a healthier and happier space whilst looking like a diva. What more could you ask for? 

Author Bio: Audrey Throne is the mother of a 3-year old and a professional blogger by choice. Throne is passionate about lifestyle, business, automotive, technology, and management and blogs frequently on these topics. Find her on Twitter: @audrey_throne.